First Classes

The class schedule in Full Sail is accelerated where each month is a different class online and broken down into four weeks. Each week begins on Mondays at 12:00 AM, has one or more live lectures with your instructor, sometimes a lab lecture, one or more deadlines to submit work that includes a forum post and reply to peers, as well as weekly project. In order to take the first class, I had to attend either an online or on-campus orientation and pass the test. While I was an online student I learned from, my cousin attended his orientation on campus and received a neat swag bag.

My first four months of classes were mostly research, reading, analysis, and written work. I learned how to create presentations and the importance of my brand in my first month. In my second month, I learned the importance of play, the efficiency of gamification, and how to get into flow. My third month taught me how technology shaped the entertainment industry, gave me a glimpse of the pipeline within the industry, and, reintroduced the importance of networking for success within the entertainment industry.

The fourth month began my first core requirement – English Composition – where we reviewed our knowledge of grammar, honed are analytical skills, re-assessed our command of English Language, and, fine-tuned our writing skills.

These classes were vital in familiarizing myself with Full Sail Online technology, attending class lectures, collaborating with classmates in forum discussions, learning effective self-evaluation, to accept and provide constructive feedback using Emily Wray’s R. I. S. E. model, and, learning how to work within the timeline given.

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